
    Lue Elizondo on the existence of “MJ-12” or a similar legacy gatekeeper group: “There is absolutely a cabal, an organized group of individuals who have a comprehensive understanding of the USG’s involvement in the UAP topic going back decades. They are very influential and guard this info jealously”

    Lue Elizondo on the existence of “MJ-12” or a similar legacy gatekeeper group: “There is absolutely a cabal, an organized group of individuals who have a comprehensive understanding of the USG’s involvement in the UAP topic going back decades. They are very influential and guard this info jealously”

    Lue Elizondo on the existence of "MJ-12" or a similar legacy gatekeeper group: "There is absolutely a cabal, an organized group of individuals who have a comprehensive understanding of the USG's involvement in the UAP topic going back decades. They are very influential and guard this info jealously"
    byu/bmfalbo inUFOs

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    1. Submission Statement:

      A big thanks to [Mike Colangelo on X]( for this clip!

      [Lue Elizondo]( appeared on the [Need to Know Podcast with Bryce Zabel and Ross Coulthart](

      In that interview, Zabel asks Elizondo about any knowledge or insights he may have on the existence of “MJ-12” or other similar legacy gatekeeper groups (Zodiac?).


      > “There is absolutely a cabal, an organized group of individuals who have a comprehensive understanding of the U.S. government’s involvement in the UAP topic going back decades. They are very influential and guard this information jealously.
      > In the past they have been able to exercise extreme influence, and I can’t overstate the terminology I’m using here, to keep this conversation squelched.
      > Both Dave Grusch and I, and I cannot speak for Dave, have felt the brunt of that at one point. I’m not prepared to go into that conversation right now. That part of the story will probably be revealed at some point. It’s very concerning and disturbing.
      > The length people will go to keep this conversation under wraps, again I understand it, I don’t agree with it, but I do understand the rationale. I think I’ll leave it at that.”

      [Full Interview: Need to Know #56 – Elizondo Unplugged (09-12-24)](

    2. I still think it’s fascinating that no one has picked up on the “very concerning and disturbing” part. He’s hinting at mind control; personally I believe that will be the scariest wake up call for everyday people and those outside of this topic.

      The technology exists and in some aspects may not have been developed entirely by humans. Aside from 0 point energy and the threat to the petro dollar and world order; if everyone learned how advanced these methods and technologies have become, it could be utter chaos for society. There is much more than meets the eye with this topic, it’s not just about NHI and spaceships.

      We are witnessing some of the darkest truths about our species, our history and reality come forward and that might be pretty grim for the masses. Just a small taste of these truths can be world shattering.

      I’d also like to add something to think about. Why do you think the term “MAJIC” is used to describe the most classified and secret projects/programs?

    3. Wow, bots in the comments trying to come in hard. They keep trying to manipulate and sway people away from the truth, but they keep failing and falling flat on their faces(the downvotes speak for themselves).

    4. They are extremely powerful people who guard their secrecy carefully yet I, Luis Elizondo, have penetrated through their cover and know all about them. Only I can’t tell you who they are, anything about them, how they operate, what their true power is, or how I came to know this information.

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