
    Reminder: David Grusch was the NGA’s Senior Technical Advisor for UAP/Trans-Medium Issues, during the Chinese Spy Balloon + UAP shoot downs of a cylinder and an octagon. If Biden gave the orders to shoot them down, Grusch helped provide the intel.

    • This is the best historical article on the shoot downs.

    • From November 2021-April 2023, Grusch was the “Lead SME for USSPACECOM National Support Team (NST) for cross agency program integration. Senior Technical Advisor for UAP/Trans-Medium Issues.

    • In other words, Grusch was a G-15 (Colonel Equiv.) in a UAP-related role when the shoot downs happened.

    • We also gained valuable information from Grusch’s congressional testimony, where he stated that – in his role at the NGA – he personally reviewed NGA satellite imagery:

      • I personally reviewed both what we call ‘overhead collection’, and from other strategic and tactical platforms, that…I could not explain prosaically.
    • I’ve seen some of the videos from the recent shoot down, and I saw no reason that couldn’t have been released, as long as they mask some data; the American people deserve to see that imagery and full motion video.

    • Then, in a December 2023 interview with News Nation, Grusch now claimed:

    • Then, taking things further, in January 2024, Grusch presented to a private group in NYC, where he noted:

    • Finally, most recently in February 2024, we heard more details from a Ross Coulthart source, that:

      • the Pentagon tracked the Alaska object, confirmed it was a silver cylindrical UAP, and not a balloon. The President, Joe Biden, ordered the shoot down, and multiple assets were involved with the recovery.

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