
    “If the Schumer Rounds Act passes, disclosure is gone.” – Former UAPTF scientist Travis Taylor comes out strong against the UAPDA on panel with former UAPTF director Jay Stratton

    “If the Schumer Rounds Act passes, disclosure is gone.” – Former UAPTF scientist Travis Taylor comes out strong against the UAPDA on panel with former UAPTF director Jay Stratton

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    1. This guy sounds like a libertarian nutjob. You already can’t do “whatever the hell you want” with your land, for good reason. And nothing in this quote makes an attempt at logically connecting this whining to disclosure. Next.

    2. The fact he immediately jumps to “there’ll be no such thing as private property if the eminent domain clause passes” makes this sound like fearmongering. He’s just concerned his gravy train is gonna end if congress or whoever has the authority to seize and release info on whatever NHI tech… Radiance (was that the company he is currently working for? Someone correct me if Im wrong) has.

      I understand independent researchers’ (like Jacques Vallee for instance) concerns about the government seizing whatever tiny samples they have, but it rings hollow coming from people who are likely currently working for companies exploiting NHI materials.

    3. More like, *”if the UAPDA passes, private defense corporations won’t be able to keep and hide all their recovered materials and won’t be able to hire people like me to work on their secret programs.”*

      Taylor was a joke on the Skinwalker Ranch show. I don’t know what angle precisely that he’s running, but an optical engineer shouldn’t get confused about basic light and camera lens artifacts that he hammed up for the show. He’s more than happy to get paid to made the UFO/UAP movement look like a bunch of fools, he can fuck right off.

    4. Is anybody else noticing how all these people were in the UAPTF? The new AARO director, the lady that went on The Good Trouble Show, David Grusch, etc.

      I was under the impression the UAPTF was completely unfunded with literally just Travis Talyor and Jay Straton.

      What is going on?

    5. Taylor is a freaking joke. His intention was never to disclose but rather to profit from disclosure. That’s the reason why he tried to go into private industry. All he wants is for the government to release the materials so that the company he works for can reverse engineer it and use it for profit. That’s the problem with people like him. Their intention was never was to share the info with the larger community, but rather to use their classifications to benefit themselves. remember, it was Taylor who was one of the people who helped to create the classification guide. Sad part about it is we get used as pawns in their efforts.

    6. 1) this is an actual slippery slope logical fallacy

      2) the discussion is about STOLEN property. Stealing somebody else’s stuff doesn’t somehow make it your, or your friend’s, “private” property.

      In fact eminent domaining stolen property isn’t the correct final step either, but it’s a good first step in wrestling it away from from people trying to abuse it by weaponizing stolen alien tech in order to kill people, potentially including murdering the people it was stolen from. That could forever tarnish humanities perception on the galactic stage.

    7. IIRC, and I am pretty sure I do, Taylor and Fugal were against S/R the first time around also. So this is not new. I find it curious because isn’t disclosure what Skinwalker Ranch is all about?

      I recently saw the latest series and in two episodes they had these “laser cannons” being interrupted. In one case the light beam just stopped apparently in mid air, and this was a persistent phenomenon, it laster for a good while. I wondered why they did not move the laser around a bit to try to find the edges of what was stopping it. Or come back with an aim-able laser.

      In another episode the laser light was interrupted but then resumed. And other lights were visible behind it. But this was only captured on a couple of camera frames. Still I found it highly suggestive. Other events have been “interesting” but open to possible alternative explanations, the laser events not so much.

      I have not seen either of these events discussed or debunked. If they are what they seem to be they are very compelling evidence. Which makes one wonder why the series stopped where it did without resolution or obvious further steps. Presumably that was the end of the season, but oddly they did not quite say so. Or maybe I missed an episode?

      Anyway I came away with the sense that there was something very odd yet significant going on. Almost as if they abruptly stopped to avoid giving away too much.

      Finally, I have listened to some interviews with Taylor and Bard away from the show. In those interviews they come across as completely different people. In an earlier interview Bard was complaining about the producers and their presentation. More recently he seems to have been whipped into line.

    8. Not sure how “Disclosure” in a literal sense is gone if eminent domain is utilized but I do agree with him to some extent, in principle, of how eminent domain can be a very slippery slope. I think though there was a clause, I heard from Sheehan, that the government would compensate the contractors with some monetary value. I would like to hear what Travis’s alternative solutions would be. This is all a very gray, hypothetical scenario. I honestly think someone needs to address how you protect national security while simultaneously disseminating the information there is an NHI presence that has interacted with earth…..if true. Where do you cross the line of what can be known? Can you imagine the backlash from the scientific community if they can only reveal so much to them?

    9. Submission statement: During a panel discussion at “Phencomecon”, former UAPTF scientist Travis Taylor lambasted the eminent domain clause in the Schumer Rounds UFO legislation, telling UFO believers to “Fight that!” and that if it passes, “disclosure is gone.”

      “Now, they’re trying to weasel it into the omnibus bill again with the same wording. Fight that! Or you will no longer have private property. And you’ll no longer have property rights. And then there will not be any disclosure. If this Schumer Rounds Act, or anything like it passes, disclosure is gone.”

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