
    DoD Has UFO/UAP of “Non-Human” Origin

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    1. “Hopefully we’re reverse engineering these things to use them against our enemies” how murican of you! 🙄

      First of all they’re monitoring our nukes because we’re basically toddlers waving handguns around in that respect.

      These NHI are most likely NOT the threat, we would have been wiped out decades ago. Time to wake up your consciousness people..

    2. “What about the little Green Guys?!”

      THEN He hopes we reverse engineer them and will be “Using them against our adversaries”

      This clown Waters is the kind of conceded narcissistic dumbass who you’d see in a Hostel movie.

    3. For such a short segment, I think Lue was very concise in his words and did a great job delivering key points regarding why some of the evidence and firsthand accounts behind the phenomenon are truly perplexing when thoughtfully analyzed without preconceived notions or bias.

    4. Damn, I really appreciate Lue’s ability to be gracious, sidestep right by the snark, and convey a succinct and direct message in under 3 mins….

      I’ve been following him very closely, and he’s the perfect guy for the role he’s in at the moment.

    5. More of the same unsubstantiated stuff that we’ve been hearing about for years.

      Substantiation is the only thing that matters at this point.

      Merely saying it’s true doesn’t do anything for me, especially when it’s Elizondo, whose whole brand is taking us to the brink, but never delivering the goods.

    6. Good answers from Lue and the fact that this topic is being discussed on Fox is big. Jesse waters is insufferable but most of fox is. What matters is they get millions of viewers. I’m loving the media coverage on the topic recently.

    7. In a recent segment on Fox News’ Jesse Watters Primetime, former Senior Intelligence Officer Lue Elizondo, who served as director of the Pentagon’s Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program (AATIP), shares that legacy UFO/UAP crash retrieval and reverse engineering programs exist.

    8. “Former” Agent? This whole thing reeks of intelligence psyop. Almost as if we are being primed or conditioned, slowly drip feeding a narrative of disclosure but also that they are dangerous. Thry lied for decades that they dont exist, but suddenly, they’re a threat? Hmm. Sounds like a perfect reason to give billions of dollars to military industry, to keep us safe…

    9. lol. Another case of “wrong politics”…

      You guys are ridiculous. Why does someone’s political views matter to you?

      Most people don’t know who this guy is, so dumping all over him just hurts the cause. 

    10. The hate for Jesse Waters regarding this subject is deserved; his arrogance, dismissiveness and, frankly, stupidity on this topic is repulsive

      However, I believe they chose to put Lue on Jesse’s time slot bc he currently has the prime time spot and the most viewers on cable TV. Aside from Jesse’s attitude towards this subject, this is a huge for disclosure. Thanks to Lue’s conciseness, all of the uninformed people that this reached will now, hopefully, be asking questions

      Hopefully Fox News doesn’t stop where it started on this issue. We just need to get these docs out and have that hearing so that they can have more people on about this. The more people that are hearing about these things, the better

    11. What a DOOOOSHbag! Durrr hope we catch them , reverse engineer their tech, and kill our enemies! Like wtf?! Dude has to have stock in Skunkworks, Raytheon, Northrop Grumman, AND Lockheed Martin to spew out such a wreck less, asinine statement ON AIR, probably to a global audience too…. STOOPIT! 🤦🏽🤦🏽🤦🏽🤡

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