
    Boeing Starliner Returns to earth at White Sands Missile Range. Is that odd?

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    Hello folks! Not trying to go full tinfoil here, more of a (probably incorrect) assumption that stuck out. I’m just wondering if the spaceship returning to a military base at night raises any red flags to anyone? Besides, of course, the obvious real conspiracy here about no immediate reporting regarding the ‘astronauts stuck in space’ for the first couple of months.

    I was of the potentially outdated understanding that these things typically are sent back in a time window that allows them to drop onto the ocean and avoid any possible bystander accidents. On the flipside, I realize that a main concern is also occupant injury due to a system/deployment failure which makes a water landing and retrieval make slightly more sense as well. So maybe since nobody was on board that’s the reason why it wasn’t necessary?

    I’m more than happy to admit that this is a dumb inquiry if water landings are no longer a primary mechanism for the return of a possibly damaged spacecraft, but if not, I figured a FUN & MINIMALLY SERIOUS tinfoil hat discussion/question would be:

    [TD;LR] Why risk potential failure of system during decent that could harm people on the ground, to land it at a very secure base (that has a decent amount of UFO lore 🛸) & coupled with the lack of media coverage, could there be sensitive footage/sensor data on board that’s would make it a risk to land elsewhere?

    TO REITERATE: (a) very down to be wrong about modern day landings (b) if not – the questions are 100% fun assumption & posed as strictly non-serious theoreticals [i.e. please try to exercise that good old civility rule with each other…]

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