
    Did retired CIA Officer John Ramirez (GS-15), indirectly confirm a second Roswell crash via a YouTube comment? Did a 2nd Roswell craft skip 10 years into the future (1947 to 1957)?

    I discovered this interesting YouTube comment written by u/johnramirez5032

    It’s honestly hard to imagine this isn’t the same CIA Officer GS-15 John Ramirez.

    For reference, Phil Corso wrote a manuscript – called Dawn of a New Age, which described the following 2-craft theory:

    On page 156 (similar statement on page 38 as well): 

    "There is a theory that there were two crashes in the Roswell area. One in 1947, the second in 1957. The theory is that they collided as they were entering our time zone. One crashed immediately. Debris fell just about 100 miles from the first crash. The second accelerated, skipping like a fiat stone over water, moved into a future time zone and crashed 10 years later in 1957, in the same area (I offer no explanation of the event), However, in 1957, I was in command of the Army's Missile Firing Range at Red Canyon, part of White Sandsf and south of Los Alamos. The crash was only a few miles from my command post, I was the Senior Commander and made all military decisions."

    Corso was also interviewed by an all-star team of: Jaques Vallee, Hal Putoff, John B Alexander and George Knapp.

    It’s an incredible interview.

    Listen to 34:30 and 41:45 in this interview with Corso.

    At ~34:30 in the interview, Corso says the scientists he spoke with said this 1957 craft was likely a time machine.

    Now, granted, if these warp drive craft use the zero point field for energy – and can therefore go faster than light – they're ALL technically time machines, aren’t they?

    Anyway, later Knapp asks him if he knew where they came from and he somewhat suspiciously avoids the question.

    Then, at ~41:45, Vallee later says, if its a time machine, “it could be us”…but that's "the worst case scenario”.

    Elizondo says the 2nd crash flew away. Did it "fly away" to 1957?

    And why did the 2 craft show up at the same time in the same place? Was it an intentional sabotage to take down the other craft?

    God I love this shit.

    Edit: grammar & structure

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