
    Object with non-linear trajectory – a few movements then disappeared

    I took this video yesterday (9/8) in Arlington, VA at 2:49pm ET facing south.

    I was eating lunch when I noticed some odd lights moving around in the distant sky.

    Out of the 5 or so objects I saw separately in about a 30 minute window, this was the best I could do to capture the phenomenon.

    The white orb moved around in multiple directions and did not appear to be any type of conventional aircraft.

    I thought for a moment they might be some type of organic plant material (like a little plant fuzz) that was reflecting sunlight, but these appeared too far away and too large for that to be the case.

    I couldn’t discount the possibility of balloons; however, the objects simply “blipped” out of existence, as this object did in the video.

    I’m open to any ideas for possible explanations. I don’t know what these objects were, but I figured this made an interesting video that people smarter than me could assess.

    Object with non-linear trajectory – a few movements then disappeared
    byu/billboardlife inUFOs

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