
    King Charles has a ‘secret paranormal library’ to study UFOs.

    King Charles has a ‘secret paranormal library’ to study UFOs.

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    1. It is said that King Charles has a certain fascination with the subject of UFOs and aliens visiting Earth. This should be common knowledge. It is also said that Charles was seen “piloting an experimental UFO-style craft” during a visit to Canada in 1975, although no photos of that moment have been publicly released.

      He is surrounded by and has a great interest in the topic, and according to a documentary, he has a library hidden from the general public, which is entirely dedicated to the paranormal, UFOs, and extraterrestrials.

    2. Charles really isn’t the sharpest tool in the royal shed. Constantly falling and advocating for quack therapies and dubious characters he has ready access to real experts on issues but has instead drunk his own koolaid.

    3. One suggests that King Charles was seen “ piloting an experimental UFO-style craft ” during a visit to Canada in 1975, although there are no publicly released photos from that moment.

      I’m open & accepting of all but if anyone has a source or even a questionable news source from the 70’s, I’d love to see it. First time I’ve heard of this which makes me feel like it’s fake.

    4. The royal family of England, are responsible for the genocide of Native Americans, and the enslavement and murder of Africans in the largest slave trade the world has ever known, they are not nor have they ever been people anyone should show any respect to. If king charles has knowledge that he is not sharing with the general public it’s just another crime in the long list of inhumanities of the royal family.

    5. I like to think that he’s not let in on the secret until he becomes the actual monarch.

      So this guy got to be 73 years old, and then his mom died, and then someone had to come up to him like “I’m so sorry for your loss sir, but I have to tell you, aliens are real.”

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