
    Weird light 9/15, 1030pm, Eastern PA. Hovers for 20 minutes and disappears.

    Hey all, my friend's wife had some sort of weird experience last night, here's a link to the youtube video and a copy of the description. Did anyone see anything at that time? Any ideas what it could be

    video description:

    "Captured on cellphone September 15th 2024, I noticed it when I heard a car alarm going off behind my house and my car was growling at our back door, I noticed a light through the glass door where she was staring out off. When I went out to my deck I could hear dogs howling in the background ( there's a street with residential house behind the trees in pointing towards in the vid). At first I thought it was a helicopter as I could see small red flashing at the base of the light, then maybe a drone, but it seems to high for a drone, and made no sense that someone would be hovering a drone for 20 mins at 10.30 at night. It literally stayed in the same position, hovering for about 10 mins then blinking out. At the end when I zoomed out I heard a branch break and in the video you can see a second light/orb close to the ground. I didn't notice it in person, saw it for the first time when I replaced the video.

    Sorry for the poor quality"

    • My friend told me that after she took this video she reported she was in a very calm state and immediately went to sleep on the couch afterward and then came up to the bedroom 3 hours later which is very out of the ordinary for her.
    • The branch break in the video is at the 59 second mark

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