
    Metallic Orb footage

    Location: NC
    Date: 3/11/2024
    Time: 6:04pm
    Duration: n/a

    Description: I was working from home and observed what I thought to be some sort of a metallic orb, gliding around across the sky. Went outside and took my phone out to record and didn’t see anything but a plane, which I recorded. Sound muted for privacy purposes but the irony is that in the video, as I’m recording I’m telling my spouse “that normal things can look ominous on video when it’s not” ( I was referring to the plane.) Never watched the video back or thought much of it since..

    6 months later reviewed the video and saw the orb flash by at 0.12 seconds…it was super quick. Had to watch back several times to even see it. In the video I let it play all the way can see the plane up top then I slow down to the part where the orb flashes in and also show the screenshot still I managed to grab.

    This Video is several months old and I’m just now even seeing what I think I’m seeing. Thoughts?!

    Metallic Orb footage
    byu/HourAccomplished4183 inUFOs

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