
    About a month after being contacted by a swarm of UFOs in Las Vegas this June, I returned to the city, and within 15 minutes of parking in a popular restaurant parking lot, filmed two more UFOs. One is fast. My other post’s footage is much better than this but you have to watch that one til the end.

    About a month after being contacted by a swarm of UFOs in Las Vegas this June, I returned to the city, and within 15 minutes of parking in a popular restaurant parking lot, filmed two more UFOs. One is fast. My other post’s footage is much better than this but you have to watch that one til the end.

    About a month after being contacted by a swarm of UFOs in Las Vegas this June, I returned to the city, and within 15 minutes of parking in a popular restaurant parking lot, filmed two more UFOs. One is fast. My other post's footage is much better than this but you have to watch that one til the end.
    byu/Mammoth-Tie-7225 inUFOs

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