

    YouTuber films “clearest Tic-Tac” video. It’s still blurry but clearly, not a plane.

    YouTuber films "clearest Tic-Tac" video. It's still blurry but clearly, not a plane. View Reddit by Nacho_Libre_Ahora - View Source

    Lue Elizondo on the existence of “MJ-12” or a similar legacy gatekeeper group: “There is absolutely a cabal, an organized group of individuals who...

    Lue Elizondo on the existence of "MJ-12" or a similar legacy gatekeeper group: "There is absolutely a cabal, an organized group of individuals who...

    I created a short archive of all publicly military UAP footage to date, designed to introduce it to anyone unfamiliar with the videos out...

    Hey everyone, Long-time reader here, though it’s been a while since I last posted. It’s been two years since I shared this, so I thought...

    Former National Security Advisor H.R. McMaster adds to UFO speculation

    I saw this article on The Hill tonite, thought it adds to the ongoing discussion here. From the article: "Former National Security Advisor and retired Army...

    UPDATE: Nightly UAP / UFO Event in Northern Sky with Clouds and Tripods and Timestamps (Oh my!)

    UPDATE: Nightly UAP / UFO Event in Northern Sky with Clouds and Tripods and Timestamps (Oh my!) View Reddit by SnooBooks3529 - View Source

    The Elizondo Need to Know Episode

    This thing is incredibly revealing. Pay attention to his stories and remember the names he uses as random examples. Kidnapping? Check. Cheney at top?...

    In 2010 Robert Dean, former Command Sergeant Major who worked at NATO headquarters, claimed that underneath Pine Gap base in Australia there is gigantic...

    In 2010 Robert Dean, former Command Sergeant Major who worked at NATO headquarters, claimed that underneath Pine Gap base in Australia there is gigantic...

    The UAP Disclosure Act is at risk of being left out of the NDAA. Please help us contact Sen. Mitch McConnell and Sen. Rand...

    Earlier this year, Senators Chuck Schumer (D-NY) and Mike Rounds (R-SD) reintroduced the UAP Disclosure Act of 2024, which includes important UAP transparency provisions...

    UFOs spotted over Tianjin Airport 11 Sept. Fighter jets scrambled. Airport closed for hours.

    Yesterday on the September 11, 2024, an unidentified flying object was spotted hovering over Tianjin, China for several hours, causing widespread disruption at Tianjin...

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