
    Circling lights above western Germany

    Circling lights above western Germany

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    1. Hi, long-time lurker and skeptic here.



      What did I see in western Germany, close to the Autobahn A1, southbound towards Kamener Kreuz?

      There’s two videos with the stuff visible, 1 from the car and one from outside. I apologize for the lack of quality, it was around 2100 around here with a lot of light pollution.

      My wife and I saw a circling star pattern formation of lights that circled around the “center” of the “star”, and sometimes swooshed off to the right (would be west-bound), with no delay or anything. It really looked ominous, it was a cloudy night and was far more visible to the naked eye.

      It was 99% some some beam-projecting ground installation, but I never saw such a thing with so many dots. Anyway it looked really cool. It seemed to “follow” our car southbound, but it was probably just very far away so it just seemed to travel with us, but it was quite eery the first time we saw it.

      Of course I couldn’t just film it for hours because we wanted to get home and had kids in the car sleeping roughly in the car (you can hear the complaining of my eldest in the second video ^^), but they seemingly just disappeared/turned off soon after we left the rest area.

      So yay, first “encounter”, but probably just ground crews looking for allied bombers, lol.

    2. I saw spotlights moving in a perfect circle around a fixed point in a very remote area. The next small town that would be big enough to host a festival (4 digit population) of some sort was 10km away in that direction but looking at a compass those spotlights didn’t even match that town. These spot lights can be very powerful and sometimes they seem to be deployed for no apparent reason in remote areas. The strange part is these spot lights were of a scale you only see at huge festivals and there were no light beams. Only dots of light reflected by the clouds. I wouldn’t blame anyone who has a sighting like that for thinking it’s a bit unusual. In fact I asked some people what they thought it was and they jokingly said it’s a UFO. I’m honestly wondering if these automated sky spotlights are even legal to buy and use without special permission. When you shine a flashlight at the sky from a distance on a dry night, no fog, does it look like the light is coming from above the clouds or does it have a visible light beam? The sighting I had looked a bit like this but way way in the distance and it was only rotating and it was brighter and bigger. There were at least 15 dots of light spinning in a perfect circle with no visible beams at all. Looked more like OP’s video in scale.

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