
    Double standards regarding trust in officials like Kirkpatrick vs Grusch/Elizondo

    So here we are, Kirkpatrick is a proven liar once again, remember 4 months ago he denied that a meeting took place in 2018 between top officials discussing activity on Skinwalker Ranch, yet days later Brendan Fugal – who attended the briefing – released a picture clearly showing Kirkpatrick sitting at said briefing. It's undeniable evidence of him lying.

    Once again, documents have surfaced exposing his disinfo agenda. Yet people on this sub keep debating whether to trust Grusch and how Elizondo just wants to sell a book. This is intellectual genocide, committed in the name of skepticism and rationality. I only have one question to you, skeptics, assuming you're not all bots (i don't want to dehumanise all of you but let's face it this sub has disinfo problem). Grusch and Elizondo have impeccable records and were never proven to lie (despite the huge pushback by intelligence agencies and MSM). And they're not the only ones. Why would you rather believe a proven liar? Are you really that stuck in your narrow view of the world? Is it that hard to come to terms with the fact that we've never been alone (which is obvious when you consider the size of the universe), that they have probably visited us regularly for ages (we could barely imagine spaceflight a 100 years ago, noone can say FTL is impossible, we just don't know how yet) and that governments around the world have been lying to us all throughout history? We're ruled by sociopaths and pretty much our entire history is a tale of a species being exploited by the few in power. They don't just decide how we live, they dictate what we think.

    This is why disclosure is a big deal. It's a chance for our species to grow up – both individually and collectively – and take responsibility for our place – on this planet and in the galaxy. Our ignorance and narrow ways of thinking are truly holding us back.

    I understand if you need some time to process things. But don't gaslight us into thinking that we're the crazy ones. At this point the truth is obvious. Disclosure has already happened for the ones who actually follow the topic. For the masses it's yet to come, but arguably it's already happening. The question is not if, but who, what, how and why.

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