
    Every skeptic NEEDS to listen to Sarah Gamm’s new interview with The Good Trouble Show

    Here is the link to the episode

    Whether you are a skeptic or just interested in the subject and want to learn more, you should really watch this episode. If you are already aware of what the UAPDA bill is and how important it is, I'd skip 20 mins in and start with the interview, if not it's a good summary. A decent half of the episode is spent on her credentials and the story of her career, seeing an inside perspective on the UAP Task Force. This should be great for skeptics who don't think anyone credible has spoken on the issue and struggles to see how the government thinks of UAP. It's fascinating to hear a first hand account of being apart of the Task Force and the job she does.

    She is actually in the group that looks at classified UAP data and uses the knowledge from her degrees she's earned to come up with scientific explanations to debunk it. Imagine that, a professional debunker, it's a skeptic's dream job. The only thing is that she can't debunk everything, there is genuinely unexplainable phenomena that defies physics that she can't explain by any other means than a non-human intelligence.

    For someone to be in the intelligence community their entire careers with high levels of security clearance, it is actually a big deal when they come out and say they've seen evidence of non-human intelligence in their careers. The more whistleblowers come out, the harder it is for skeptics to explain away the UAP phenomena as something not worth investigating. The Pentagon thinks it's worth investigating, Congress does too, and it so happens that the people actually in those groups think the most likely hypothesis to the UAP phenomena is non-human intelligence. Until a skeptic with high security clearances comes out and offers an alternative theory, this is the leading theory and seems absolutely worth investigating.

    The more evidence and stories like this drops, the clearer the image becomes. With the amount of patterns there are in this phenomena I think we can all connect the dots to see that image for ourselves.

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