
    Lue Elizondo has announced a US tour with UK dates expected (link in the statement). Good size venues.

    Lue Elizondo has announced a US tour with UK dates expected (link in the statement). Good size venues.

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    1. Call me cynical but what exactly is going to come of this. Unless his been cleared to say more this dosnt look good. The money making criticism could top easily be applied here by those wishing to derail this in any way they can.

    2. I mean I don’t mind him earning, but I personally won’t pay to listen to him. He has already communicated things he knows without much substance.

      Those who want to listen to him yapping philosophical points about ‘Normal’ vs ‘Paranormal’, ‘What is God?’, ‘How is disclosure a marathon not a sprint’ should be glad about this.

    3. I’d much rather he do this after he testifies to congress. Announce that first and then testify and then go on tour. Without any physical or video evidence that you can share, I assume people are just going to hear Lue saying what’s in his book.

    4. Welp, another one bites the dust. This “tour” that won’t reveal anything new is just this dudes retirement plan. I’m about done with this shit until something is actually shown or disclosed. I’m tired of the cryptic nonsense and empty words that always allude to something just out of our reach.

    5. So there are things that I am just not allowed to talk about despite everyone paying to see me here. I have a book out, which again is me letting you know I just cant talk about things for national security. I can tell you me, my wife, family and neighbours all got chased around by orbs.

      This guy is looking at a sweet retirement deal. If he fucks up his clearance, that probably all goes away. If he was going to drop anything, it would have been on the JRE. The fact he didn’t says to me that he never will.

    6. Totally legit guys, everything he says is true, he has a book you can buy to prove it, and now he even does tours spreading ‘the truth’.

      Waiting for some actual evidence rather that just stories.

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