
    Massive flight delays at Tianjin Binhai Airport(天津滨海机场) due to “drone intrusion”, Sep, 11st

    This is my first post, and sorry for all the inconvenience and my low English level in advance.

    Hello everyone, I would like to know if anyone is interested in this event in China these days.

    There is a so called "drone" (the goverment calls it) near the airport, and causing a massive fight delay.

    I find this video on Bilibili (

    The uploader claims that the video contains three different views for the "drone" in three different place

    0:00-0:10: view from Tianjing

    0:10-0:32 view from Beijing

    0:31-0:50 : view from Langfang

    0:50 view in the morning

    Also, on TikTok (Chian version), user "美国邓恩涂料(沧州)小杨哥" upload the video (I strongly recommend this one)

    (if it does not work, you can try for the same video)

    recorded the "drone" at his home in Cangzhou, Hebei, Chian, at around 19:00 on Sep, 11st(China time).

    Bilibili user "眼镜从鼻梁滑落" upload the following video which may related to the view in the airport

    (Before video time 1:30, after that is the people arguing with the airport for a refund)

    Some people even claim that the "drone" shows up in the airport for the whole night and even exists now.

    Until this post sent, there is no people caught for this "drone" event. And the "massive flight delay" happens again on Sep 12nd: (some news in China)

    If someone is interesting in this event, you can search on Bilibili or Tiktok

    the keyword "天津滨海机场" or "天津机场" may be helpful.

    Also be careful that there is a lot of misleading videos showing up now.

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