
    Strange lights/orbs in southern Indiana—help!

    Location: Bloomington, IN USA

    Date: September 5-10

    Time: 11:45PM

    Duration: 30 minutes

    Number of witnesses: 2

    Description of sighting: Every night since Thursday, we've had strange starlike lights appearing low on the horizon to the north northwest. We live about 5 miles south of town in an agricultural area so it's relatively dark.
    Anyway, these lights appear out of nowhere and look like stars. They hover/float/move and then they disappear. Sometimes they are visible for a few seconds, sometimes a few minutes. Sometimes just one appears, sometimes multiples. They are unpredictable and l've seen them at many different times but they seem to be most abundant just before and after midnight. I don't think they're drones or flares because l've seen at least a hundred of these things this week.

    They're driving me crazy! Has anyone seen them or does anyone have any insight into them? Thanks!

    Here's a video of one, super zoomed in and slowed down from my camera roll.

    This one has two orbs back to back. This one is harder to see because for some reason the light/orb is dimmer than it is when viewing on my camera roll:

    I'm not a tech guy so if someone wants to walked me through better quality vids I will gladly share them all.

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