
    US government is in possession of alien spacecraft says ex-NASA mission specialist Bob Oechsler

    US government is in possession of alien spacecraft says ex-NASA mission specialist Bob Oechsler

    US government is in possession of alien spacecraft says ex-NASA mission specialist Bob Oechsler
    byu/FireWallxQc inUFOs

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    1. It’s still a little weird what he says about the Canadian official who was on board a ship communicating telepathically with the alien. The guy seems very intelligent and credible. I know this video is nothing new, but with today’s new developments, I found this video quite interesting.

    2. Slow disclosure has been happening per Brookings recommendation. This interview is over thirty years old and is in lockstep with the lot of them (Grusch, Elizondo, Lacatski, etc.)! Wild that I’ve never seen this before. Sad that we are basically where we were then. Angry at the same. But hopeful this new push will be what it takes to get where we NEED to go. Our interconnectedness propelled by the internet and social media (which SM I otherwise disdain) is the difference. Thanks for posting!

    3. I can’t believe I haven’t saw this video before. Thank you
      It’s interesting he hits on a number of subjects and points that have also been mentioned throughout the years and actually quite recently by some other “high level whistleblowers”
      The way his facts align with what others are saying is somewhat alarming for our national security…

    4. Here we are, decades later hearing the same thing, “We can’t tell you because we like having you hooked on oil. Makes our lives of grotesque luxury possible. Keep choking on clouds of exhaust while thinking it’s somehow ‘manly’ to get 7 mpg in your giant fucking truck.”

    5. Thanks, I could never find this again when searching. I wanted to show my friend the bit where Eamonn Holmes (the host) says “all our values would be rendered useless and worthless” in response to fossil fuels becoming obsolete as if somebody whispered “quick! defend capitalism!” in his earpiece or something. It’s about 4 mins in

    6. He hit the UK around the time of the other Bob and claimed NASA had a zero gravity chamber on earth to practice deployment of the shuttle arm. 

      Lots of what he said hasn’t actually stood the test of time. Here’s one post from over on r/aliens

    7. Bob Oechsler has been debunked many times over. It took me less than a minute to find this, and I didn’t even have to leave Reddit:

      As for Oechsler, he was buddies with the Timothy Good and Bob Lazar (two other chronic liars) in the late 1980s and early 1990s. He would go around lying and saying he was a NASA Mission Specialist, a specific NASA designation which he was not. In 1991 he put police lights on a pickup and tried to fake some UFO pictures. Aroundabout the same time he heavily promoted the obviously fake Ed Walters Gulf Breeze photos ( []( Indeed, he’s so gullible that he defended Walters by buying a story that Walters had been “memory wiped by aliens”, a ploy Walters used to explain away discrepancies between testimony in his early books and in his real life. Oeschsler also fell for the fake Carp UFO story ([](, when he was taken in by a guy who called himself The Guardian.

      Oechsler is so kooky he even fell for famed hoaxer and fraudster George Adamski ([]( Nobody in their right mind would believe the phony Adamski video and model that Oechsler defends – by the 1970s everyone knew Adamski was worthy of only ridicule – but Oechsler defended his fakes right till the end. If you watch the above video where Oechsler defends Adamski’s little model UFO, it tells you all you need to know about Oechsler’s understanding of science and physics.

    8. I’ve never seen this so thank you for posting. Any idea why we haven’t heard anything from Bob more recently than this video? I see he passed away in 2020.

      Did he continue to give interviews and release more info later on?

    9. Has anybody found any more interviews of him? I found three parts where he explains a bit more (I can like it if anybody want to see it) but are there any offer interviews of him yet unpublished or other credible witnesses who came forward Ike Bob or Paul Hellyer?

    10. This video is crazy AF. He actually goes into depth that not only do we have spacecraft but people have spoken to “them” telepathically. Hundreds of billions of dollar profit oil companies don’t want us to know about this tech, shocker. Sounds like the big difference is, we have culture and they don’t. They probably just all learn and learn and learn and advance and advance and advance. It’s nuts to try and wrap your head around. Now I can’t think how this would benefit us with our current capitalistic structure. People would only try to
      Monetize the tech as opposed to advancing healthcare and the like. It definitely sounds like they’re the polar opposite of us and any civilization that has a perfect balance of the two like a “wakanda” kind of deal would absolutely want to not communicate with either us or them. Because why would they? WILD.

    11. This one has always been a key data point in this whole mess. When you start to doubt, as they want us to, it’s critical to pull data points like this to get yourself back on track.

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